Full-Stack Web Developer CK Ariyan

Website Design And Development Services Provider.

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Full-Stack Web Developer

Web Design & Development is my passion, I get deeper to understand client’s need & problems. My mission is to satisfy every client and become myself a pro developer to learn new updates every day. You’ll get lifetime support in any situation, I Premise that, You’ll get Fanatical Support and Absolutely Positively On-time Delivery.

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Web Development

I design new websites or customize existing website according to your requirements. PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, WordPress Theme Development, WordPress Plugin Development, WordPress Customization, Laravel etc are my fileds of expertise.

Web Development
Developer CK Ariyan


SEO refers to “Search Engine Optimization”. I will rank your website in top position in search engines like GOOGLE, BING, YAHOO etc. I do both On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. I will do keyword research for you and create backlinks incase of Off Page SEO.

Digital Marketing

In this rapid growing world everything is now digital even if we talk about business to newspaper.Now is the time to act smartly. I do facebook, instagram, youtube, linkedin marketing for you. If you are lacking behind in your business I will generate leads for you.

Developer CK Ariyan Freelancer

Ultimate Website Design & Development

Meet Your Exact Type Of Design Solutions

WordPress CMS

Recent research shows 66% of the CMS-built sites WordPress, and it also covers 35% of websites of the Whole Internet. Why? Because it’s the most smartest, easiest, and reliable solution rather than any CMS that’s why none of them are unable to stand out behind WordPress. If you are genuinely looking for web design and development in Bangladesh, then it would be the most cost-effective and reliable way every way. Because you can virtually build any type of business website just in your budget. So if you convince yourself to give your audience the most outstanding experience more than anyone on your industry, then we highly suggest you to choose WordPress for your advantages. Because it’s obviously the smartest open-source content management system, and Google loves it more than any other CMS provenly, and the opportunity for the business with WordPress is endless.

Laravel Framework

If you do research and notice carefully in the web app, you will see most of the popular app on the United States, United Kingdom, and China are made by Laravel. There are millions of websites designed with laravel, and historically it’s truly very satisfying for the user, and you would immediately translate the language for different audiences and countries. So why it massively popular globally? Because making websites, as well as web apps, is more profitable, easy to maintain, and purely stable and all the way faster to get the outrageous user experience. And the more you want your audience to stay long on your site. It’s possible with laravel to make that happen. You may ask yourself, is that okay to Web Development In Bangladesh through larval? Absolutely yes, and the good news is so many businesses over the years using laravel with a lot of success.

You must have a Website

The modern website represents 90% of your business structure. The audience will think, feel, understand and evaluate your product and service and finally determine to take action. And awesome looking website naturally able to connect with the audience in a way, so they instantly find it embracing. You may have a good product, but without representing it the good way, people wouldn’t feel the urgency to order your product. You may have good service, but the poor quality design will kill the authentic power of it because it looks so bad. So, however, you do you need AUDIENCE FOCUSED beautiful look for your business site if you want more customer, buyer or audience all the same. And SoftGhor dedicated to providing you the unique and creative looking website that automatically allows you to simply get a good impression in your market and it also positions your brand too soon. So finally, when you determine and find your own suitable cause to create a website that not only shows who you are but also reinforces your business to go beyond with design then SoftGhor always on your side to influence your success.

Find any challenge with web design and development in Bangladesh?

Design Structure For Your Website

Audience Focused Design

It’s MARKETING words that give the audience what they want, need, and desire about. That does not only makes them happy but also forces your business to grow. Where is the Banglar Freelancer comes in and stands for designing and developing your business website rather than just beautiful. Because we believe a nicest looking audiencefocused design is the asset for a business that automatically empowers the brand quality to grow more and more. And the beauty of an elite unique design it will shape your business website in a satisfying way that you would always take the practical advantages from your suitable investment.

Fully Customized Design

What would it happen if you visit a website and find the design structure is poor, takes so long time to load, and hard to find the “Menus” of your interest? Doesn’t it painful somehow? It can be even more painful if the color bothers you instantly. Your audience feels the same when they visit a website and get bothered with irrelevant stuff. That’s why we seriously take the customized design that provenly helps a particular audience to digest your messages and find their own reasons to follow your recommendation. Would you like to give your audience an extraordinary experience better than your BIGGEST COMPETITORs website? Just try us and see what happen?

Completely Responsive

The devices of the modern world are endless, like Android Devices, iPhone, Blackberry, Tab, Desktop, and Laptop, and the list goes on. So you never know exactly which device is using your customer right now to visit your website. Here is the responsive design that comes in, and it allows you to match every one of your audience devices without letting anyone know. Research shows most of the audience comes to the website through the mobile phone, and mobile user experience is regularly developing; that’s why every business must pay attention to it for their own advantages as soon as possible.

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